Accelerate AI in your company
If you are convinced that your company needs to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence, we are probably the best entry point.
A comprehensive, practical, approach to bringing the best of machine learning & deep learning to your company, including :
- training (our acclaimed AI Black Belt program)
- acceleration (a 5-day program to boost your understanding and leave you with a plan)
- connecting you to the most appropriate tools and service providers to get started
- support tools & materials
Accelerate AI acts in a technology-agnostic, and vendor neutral way.
Let's start with an assessment of the needs and AI Maturity of your company
AI is probably one of the technological changes that will have the biggest impact on society. "AI is the new electricity" (Andrew Ng, Stanford)
Yet, companies are too slow to fully understand and grasp a proper path to AI.
Accelerate.AI starts with a short assessment of how your company is prepared to AI, and derive a progress plan from there.
AI Black Belt : a top-notch progressive program, for managers and developers
Easiest way to get into AI | hands-on | practical | validated
Progressive, from beginner to mastery
AI may seem an intimidating, even arcane field. We've split the path to mastery as a succession of "belts", much like martial arts.
White Belt is the most introductory level: accessible to anyone, in 2 hours, it includes short quizzes on your mobile and makes you a member of the community.
Then Yellow and Orange belts, respectively for coders and for managers, covers the bases in 4 half-days.
Green Belt covers in some depth the bases of machine learning, and an intro to deep learning, over 10 days of summer school.
Blue and Brown belts require an increasing level of difficulty and engagement leading you progressively to Black Belt, truly a level of mastery.
Practical, real use cases
It will be hands-on! We will make it easy, by using code running in an open-source environment (Jupyter notebooks)
Even in Orange Belt, designed for managers (non-coders), you will get to see the actual code running, be able to change parameters, and understand in some technical detail, really how AI works under the hood. You will learn a lot from interacting with your peers.
Finally, you will be exposed to real-world examples from practitioners such as Jetpack.ai, Sagacify, Radix.ai, etc.
Vendor-neutral, yet vendor-enabled.
Most of the environments and tools that we use are open source, to offer the most freedom. However, we intend also to enable learners to work with industry-standard environments in the cloud. There will be special sessions where learners will have a chance to experiment with the AI environments of the major providers:
- Google Cloud
- Amazon AWS
- Microsoft Azure
- IBM Watson
This will make sure that their skills are in sync with market expectation and geared towards production environments.
A community of learners
Once you start your journey with the AI White Belt, you will be part of the community of learners with a close relationship to our trainers, program designers, and practitioners, true experts in the field: Gilles Louppe (ULiège), Kevin Françoisse (Sagacify), Gregory Renard (xBrain), Gautier Krings (Jetpack.ai), and many others.
Because AI Black Belt relies very much on peer-learning, learners are expected to be open, and even to contribute to the community. (Green Belts are expected to mentor Yellow Belts, etc.)
In addition to the classroom experience, there will be online resources (code repository, MOOC, playbook,...)
Program is currently being revamped. Come back soon.
For everyone
2 hours
For coders (Python required)
4 half-days
For executives & managers
4 half-days
On various technical subjects
at BeCentral
AI Talks
Inspiring talks, business cases,
at BeCentral
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About Us
AI Black Belt is a training program for developers & managers
© AI BLACK BELT 2018-2019